Environmental Policy

Our objective is to create a climate of excellence not only in our products and/or services, but also, for our employees, persons affected by our activities and the environment.

To achieve this the following policy has been established.

Our Environmental Policy commits the organisation at all levels to ensure that we: –

1. Identify any risk of pollution arising from any of our activities, products and/or services, which shall then be either eliminated or effectively controlled to meet or exceed all regulatory requirements relating to the environment.

2. Reduce to a minimum unnecessary use of materials, resources, and energy. Reduce to a minimum the environmental effect on all future developments and carry out an appraisal of the environmental effect of sourcing of raw material.

3. Reduce waste to the lowest practicable level ensuring responsible disposal of waste created and received, undertaking environmental audits, measuring the results against established targets.

4. Advocate employee involvement in all environmental matters, providing suitable training and support to all employees regarding this environmental policy.

5. Minimise and adverse environmental effects caused because of our activities, products and/or services adopting the principle of BATNEEC (Best available techniques not entailing excessive costs).

6. Ensure that any persons working on our behalf are made aware of and agree to comply with this policy.

7. Seek to ensure that products and/or services supplied or provided by third parties can be used, handled, stored, and disposed of in a manner which safeguards the environment and the health and safety of all.

8. a) Ensure Engines, Motors & machinery are switched off when stationary/not in use. Prevent fuel/energy wastage and dangerous environmental effects.
b) Ensure chemical waste is minimised & removed by qualified external contractors
c) Dispose of all rubbish only in authorised council bins provided.

9. Undertake a review of this policy in the light of any new knowledge, changing legislation or public concern.

M. Purton                     
Date: 25/6/2019
M. Director.

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